
25 sept. 2010

Security Council endorses sanctions on Iran

UN Security Council voted to impose a fourth batch of sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program, while Tehran was a step in the wrong direction, and confirmed its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment activities.
Has adopted on Wednesday the UN Security Council a fourth package of sanctions against Iran for refusing to - according to the text of the resolution - to comply with international resolutions and the pledges on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
The Council approved the new batch of sanctions supported by 12 countries, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, while Turkey and Brazil rejected the resolution, abstained in the voting.
Text of the resolutionUnder the new resolution No. 1929 which took action against the imposition of new banks in Iran, suspected of links to the Iranian nuclear program or missile development programs, and to beware of doing business with any Iranian bank, including the Central Bank of Iran.
Brazilian Ambassador to the United Nations shall receive her at the beginning of the voting sessionAlso included a special item to expand the arms embargo imposed on Iran in the previous three decisions, both conventional military equipment and tanks, armored vehicles and helicopter gunships and artillery advanced, as well as to all matters relating to ballistic missile programs.
The resolution provides for inspection of incoming ships or emerging from Iran on the high seas or in territorial waters of Member States of the United Nations, in the event of suspected of carrying materials prohibited by the resolution, like the resolution adopted by the Security Council against North Korea, as well as preventing Iran from carrying out any transactions relating to prospecting for uranium abroad.
However, the decision did not affect Iran's oil sector in order to avoid opposition from China which is one of the biggest trading partners in this area, which some observers saw as a serious flaw reduces the effectiveness of the resolution on the Iranian economy.
Positions ofBefore the start of the vote, dropped, Ambassador of Brazil to the United Nations, Maria Luisa Fiotta speech declared that the country will vote against the resolution, which is an incorrect step in resolving a nuclear standoff with Iran, especially in light of the nuclear agreement reached last month, sponsored by Brazil and Turkey , which was described by the Brazilian Ambassador as a "great opportunity".
The Turkish Ambassador Orturul Obacan has stressed in supplemented that his country's refusal to vote in favor of the resolution does not mean liberal in respect of the Iranian nuclear program, but the belief that the Agreement on nuclear exchange signed with Iran in the nineteenth of last month is a realistic step, preliminary to resolve the crisis between the West and Tehran , invited by the Turkish Ambassador to adopt the principle of transparency in its dealings with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
After the vote on the resolution was given the floor to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, who described the council to adopt the resolution demonstrated the international community's commitment to its responsibility towards Iran's violations of its obligations on a treaty on nuclear non-proliferation, through the "determination" to continue uranium enrichment activities.
The British Ambassador Mark Juul Grant has read out the text of the agreement reached by foreign ministers of the Group 5 1 on Iran, which he accused Grant evasion of commitments undertaken in the draft Vienna regarding the exchange of nuclear fuel, saying that the decision is an attempt to support efforts to resolve the crisis diplomatically through dialogue.

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